Wednesday, July 16, 2008

News about rule changes at Texas Department of Agriculture

Last year the pest control regulatory establishment in Texas, the Texas Structural Pest Control Board, was abolished by the legislature. The event brought a mixture of horror and glee to the pest control industry in Texas as it contemplated what life might be like under a new regulatory agency, the Texas Department of Agriculture, or TDA.

This month provided the first glimpse of what this new life might be like. The TDA just published the amended rules governing structural pest control in Texas. They can be found online at the following link:

People interested in commenting on these new rules have until August 3, 2008 to get their letters in. There will also be a public hearing on Monday July 21, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. at the William B. Travis Bldg., 1701 North Congress - Room 1-100, in Austin. The Public Hearing Notice can be viewed at the following link:

If this all seems a bit hasty, it is. The TDA is anxious to get the new rules in place by September, and will have to hurry to make this self-imposed deadline.

Meanwhile, if you have interest in life under this new agency, now is the time to let your voice be heard. Written comments sent to the department via USPS (snail mail) will probably have the greatest impact. Emails, and even testimony at the public hearings, will probably carry less weight in the final analysis than a thoughtfully written letter.

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