Monday, November 24, 2008

New Web Resource for West Nile Virus

dead blue jay sent in to be analysed for west Nile virusIn August I posted a story about the human face of West Nile virus. Now there is a website where people suffering from West Nile virus, or others interested in the disease, can exchange information about the topic.

It's called the West Nile Information Exchange, at, and it provides a forum for folks to talk about the disease and their experiences, or to learn more about research into WNV. The site was developed by Dr. Kristy Murray, an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology for the Center for Infectious Diseases and Associate Director for Research for the Center for Biosecurity and Public Health Preparedness at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health. It has the option for visitors to register and read and post comments about WNV, and subscribe to the comments (like this site).

If you have an interest in WNV, have suffered from this disease or know someone who has, this might be a good place to check out. It's new, so new registrants can help get the discussions going.


  1. I had West Nile in August 2006 and still suffer ill affects and pain. I am new to blogging as well as to this site. Is there any medical facility in the southwest helping victims overcome West Nile-related problems.

  2. In Dallas there is a West Nile virus support group that meets monthly. The contacts for this group are Dr. Don and Roberta Read, who can be reached via her email at I would also encourage you to contact Dr. Murray through the exchange mentioned in this article.
