Thursday, December 17, 2009

Correction on Leaf Cutter Ant story

Apparently I jumped the gun last week when I posted the story (now removed) about PTM™ insecticide's supplemental label for leaf cutter ants. I did not do due diligence on the product before posting information about the label that I had received from some of my Forestry colleagues. In my story I implied that the product PTM™ was available for use in sites other than pine plantations and that PMPs might find it useful in their business, should clients have problems with leaf cutter ants.

Initial correspondence with BASF technical specialist, Dr. Bob Davis, indicates that I was wrong about this product being available for urban environments. I plan to issue further clarification after I speak with Dr. Bob, but until then my apologies to BASF and to anyone for whom this caused confusion or inconvenience.

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