Friday, January 22, 2010

School IPMers get organized

Just a quick note to congratulate Lenny Carley and the first semi-formal gathering of Houston area school IPM Coordinators. Yesterday 12 folks from 9 school districts took time out of their busy schedules to get together to discuss how to make their school IPM programs better. According to Lenny they had "great discussions on rodent control, ant control (both fire and Raspberry crazy ants), the future of fipronil, especially as it regards to the over the counter version of Top Choice called Over’n Out!, and many, many other topics."

Lenny admits that his inspiration for starting the group came from the recent organization of TIPMAPS at the statewide conference in San Marcos. The group decided that getting together was worthwhile, especially as TIPMAPS is beginning to organize and support local groups. The group as yet has no formal name or organization, but has tentatively decided to do it again. They have tentatively decided to meet on the third Thusdays of January, April, July and October. Lenny says that anyone interested in joining them should contact him at Houston ISD at his office 713-867-0818. He is looking for different districts to host the events.

Tom Ohm, TIPMAPS President, informed Lenny that every IPM Coordinator in the state should be receiving “TIPMAPS membership applications and brochures in the mail sometime in February.

Keep up the good work folks!

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