Friday, February 5, 2010

Insects, Lies and Videotapes

I think most pest control professionals with kids eventually get asked to give a talk at a child's school, help with an insect collection, a merit badge or a 4-H project. Have we got a resource for you! It's a web site designed for 4-H kids, but I think it might help you look like the "bug champion" for your 6th grader's science project. My colleague Pat Porter and friends from the Texas A&M entomology department have also put together a great video library with tips on how to collect and preserve insects.

In the spirit of Friday afternoon, check out this pest-related article from the Onion.

Finally, check out these videos from National Geographic. If the bed bug and cockroach videos don't drum up business for you at your next Lion's Club meeting, I don't know what will.

More interesting arthropod videos can be found by going to National Geographic's video site and following links for >Animals, >Bugs, and >Other Bugs. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. The bed bug that is shown via close up and from a oblique frontal view, appears to have had its proboscis trimmed off. There are other images of a bed bug feeding on the skin, but this looks like different bug specimen(s).
