Thursday, March 18, 2010

National bed bug survey seeks your input

Passing on the following worthwhile information from Liza J. Fleeson with the Virginia Department of Agriculture:

"The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), in conjunction with the University of Kentucky, is interested in developing a better understanding about the re-emergence of bed bugs across the United States. To that effect, NPMA has asked that we reach out to the pest control industry and encourage you and your fellow pest management professionals to complete a voluntary on-line survey on this issue. The link to the US Bed Bug Survey is posted on our website at The results will be published in a future issue of the PestWorld newsletter. The survey will run through March 22, 2010 but please consider completing it at your earliest convenience.

"Thank you for your participation. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jeffrey Rogers, Environmental Program Planner, OPS, at or 804-371-6561."

This kind of information helps the entire pest control industry, so even if you're not an NPMA member or don't have bed bug woes now, please take a few minutes to respond. In a few years you may be dealing with bed bugs big time and your current experiences will make a nice contrast with today's answers.  Note: the survey is for PMPs only.

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