Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thanks for subscribing

Last month I put out an almost pitiful plea for new subscribers to break the 100 mark, and you responded!  On April 2nd, Insects in the City recorded 106 subscribers (four of whom apparently decided that they had made a dreadful decision and unsubscribed the next day). : )

As of today, our site has 116 subscribers just shy of two years after wading into the murky waters of the blogosphere.  I am very grateful for all of you who have put up with receiving these posts for much of this time.  In this busy age of email and cyber-overload, I consider it amazing that anyone would willingly allow me to fill their in-boxes with more stuff.  So thank you for reading and thank you for subscribing.

Going into year three I encourage you to consider making Insects in the City part of your community of influence.  We're not really political here.  We're not a gossip page--as fun as that might get.  But I hope the site is more than just an information source.  I would love to hear more of your voices and opinions as we move into our third year.  So hit the comment button, drop me an email, share a story,  tell your friends, and let's make this site a more interesting place together.  After all, there aren't too many regular gathering spots for us bug folks out there.


  1. Hi Mike. I'm a TAMU ENTO graduate ('02, 04') and enjoy reading your blog. I currently live in Maryland and work for the Army as a medical entomologist. Thanks for creating and maintaining this site. I always enjoy reading pest management articles.

  2. Congratulations on your subscribers. Its great to have someone dedicated to helping the Pest industry. The more informative sites like this the better we all are in the industry.

    Karl The BugMan
    EnviroCare Pest Control
    Columbus Ohio Pest Control
