Thursday, November 11, 2010

Loss for Texas pest control

Any of you who knew Jeff Seabrook will be sorry to hear that he lost his battle with cancer yesterday.  According to a TPCA email today, there will be a memorial service for Jeff at Dalton Funeral Home in Lewisville, TX (972-436-6511) this Saturday, November 13, from 2-5 PM.

Jeff was one of the great personalities produced by the pest control industry in Texas.  I first met Jeff when he worked for ICI Americas, but he had worked as many capacities in the industry that one can.  He always had a story, or a gadget, for every occasion.  I will be forever grateful for his invite to go on a fishing trip many years ago in Costa Rica... a trip I'll never forget.

In recent years Jeff and his wife Diane moved to the Davis Mountains area where he reveled in the scenery and wildlife.  If you are a Facebook follower, consider taking a minute to write a note on his Wall.

1 comment:

  1. A recent article on PCT online can be found at
