Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Entomological Society posts bed bug info

While most of us were waking up to snow and ice earlier this month, a number of researchers and government officials trekked to Washington, DC for the second National Bed Bug Summit. Unfortunately, this was a meeting I had to miss; but the good news is that the presentations have been made available through the Entomological Society of America's (ESA's) new urban entomology network site.  

If you are interested in reviewing some of the PowerPoint presentations from the Summit, click on the following link: http://esanetworks.org/group/urbanandstructuralentomologists/forum/topic/show?id=6295836%3ATopic%3A2808&xg_source=msg

The links provided are merely Acrobat (pdf) copies of presentations made at the meeting, but you can get an idea of the flavor of the event by scanning the slides.  There is no narration, so you don't get the full content of the presentations, but there is still considerable information in the slides.  Also, you might want to contact the speaker directly if you have a specific question about a presentation. This method is sure a lot easier than negotiating long lines at airports during blizzard season.

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