Monday, January 9, 2012

Verdict in Utah deaths

Follow the label directions.  How many times have I heard this, and how many times have I said this in CEU courses for pesticide applicators? Unfortunately, the most important lessons are sometimes the ones we get so used to that we forget to heed.

I don't know if that was the reason a Utah fumigator placed Phostoxin pellets in a rodent burrow too close to a home.  Or whether it was disbelief that the pesticides that we work so closely with on a daily basis would really sicken (or in this case, kill) a customer.  Whatever the reason, failing to observe the directions on a pesticide label led to the deaths of two beautiful Utah children, and there was no excuse.

I think all of us who work with pesticides owe it to ourselves, our employees and our customers to read the reports about the final disposition of the Utah pest control operator originally charged with negligent homicide in the death of the two children.
Exterminator Given Probation-Fox 13 Salt Lake City
Parents Speak Out - Salt Lake City Tribune


  1. While the deaths in this case are sad and regrettable, it is RIDICULOUS to even attempt to draw ANY parallels for other industries.

    In the Golf and Professional Lawn Care Industries, the users of pest control products can BOAST having an UNBELIEVABLY GOOD safety record.


    NORAHG is the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green space industry.

    NORAHG is a NATIONAL NON PROFIT NON PARTISAN organization that does not accept money from corporations or governments or trade associations, and represents NO VESTED INTERESTS WHATSOEVER.

    NORAHG is dedicated to reporting the work of RESPECTED and HIGHLY RATED EXPERTS who promote ENVIRONMENTAL REALISM and PESTICIDE TRUTHS.

  2. I don't think it's ridiculous to draw parallels from this case to users of outdoor pesticides or any other pesticide user. Pesticides are made to be used according to label directions. This case is a good reminder to all pesticide users to follow the label. If fumigants are an especially toxic example of the importance of following the label, remember there are other negative outcomes such as fish kills and environmental degradation that would also be regrettable outcomes of misuse.
