Friday, January 31, 2014

Spring IPM Conference in Dallas

It's hard to believe that the Spring IPM conference is just around the corner.  But in just a little over the month we'll be offering our annual
Spring CEU conference at the Dallas Center.  Speakers this year include Ross Eckstein (Mastering fire Ant Control), Laura Miller (Rose rosette disease and its management demystified), Dr. Casey Reynolds (Sprayer Calibration to Maximize Your Weed Control), Janet Hurley (Pesticide regulatory update), and me talking about Neonicotinoid insecticides and the environment: What you need to know. Talks will provide CEUs for both Structural and TDA in General (Pest, L&O, Weed), Laws and Regs, and General (IPM).

Early registration is $70, and it includes a meal.  In addition to the five presentations, there will be an outdoor sprayer demonstration and a short update on a new pest, spotted wing Drosophila, by our new Extension program specialist, Mr. Erfan Vafaie.

So if you want to get an early start for 2014 on your continuing education, this is the best place to come. To register, go to AgriLife registration site.   For a copy of the brochure with more program information and directions, click here.

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