Friday, September 20, 2019

Upcoming classes in Dallas and Austin

Just a quick post to let readers know about a couple of pest control classes coming up soon, one in Dallas and one in Austin.

Dr. Bob Davis, BASF, has been teaching ACE Prep Classes
for more than ten years. I guarantee this will be one of the
best training classes you will attend this year.
On September 25 we still have room in our first Bed Bug Academy at the IPM Experience House in Dallas.  The class will cover basic bed bug biology and state of the art information on monitoring and control. The class will be taught by Mr. Alan Brown of ABC Home and Commercial Services in Austin, and myself.  It's an all day class (8:15 am to 5 pm) with CEUs and verifiable training hours for apprentices. Cost is only $60 preregistration. Class size is limited, so don't procrastinate. Registration, agenda, map and more information can be found at

For anyone who has considered becoming an Associate Certified Entomologist, ABC Home and Commercial Services in Austin is hosting an ACE Prep Class on October 1.  I've talked about this class in the past on Insects in the City blog, but if you are unfamiliar, this is a chance to either inspire your study or to do some last minute cramming before the test.  Even if you're not sure whether you want to be an ACE, the class provides an excellent overview of the technical side of being a pest management professional.  Led by Randy McCarty, myself and Dr. Bob Davis, this will be an intense but fun class. Best of all, there is no charge!  To get in there is no fancy registration, simply contact Randy McCarty and let him know you would like to attend (, 512-534-5772). The class will run from 8 am to 4 pm and will be held at ABC Home and Commercial Services office, 9475 East Highway 290, Austin, TX 78724.  Parking on the left side of building.

Remember you can never stop learning. The day you stop learning you might as well hang it up.

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