Friday, July 17, 2020

Bargain sale on Mallis Handbook

This post is essentially an updated reprint of a post from 2014 about a (then) sale on the Mallis Handbook of Pest Control.  A new sale, announced today, is even better than the one six years ago.

I am frequently asked (especially by prospective ACEs studying for their certification exam) what reference books I recommend. There are many of course, but one of the essential resources for any pest control company is "Mallis".

Arnold Mallis passed away in 1984, but the book he pioneered and first published in 1945 continues to get updated and republished by the Mallis Handbook Company and GIE publishing. Many PMPs today don't realize what shaky ground, scientifically speaking, PMPs were on prior to giants like Arnold Mallis and Walter Ebeling and a few university leaders who saw the need for good, science-based information for the industry. Mallis remains one of the standard sources to go to for scientifially sound information about structural insect pests and pest management.

Don't get me wrong. At 1600 pages, this is not pleasure reading... unless you're looking for a book to help you fall asleep at night. But as a reference book, the Handbook of Pest Control is excellent. I think every pest control company should have a copy.

The reason I decided to say a few words about the Mallis Handbook is that Pest Control Technology just announced an amazing sale. If you don't have a copy of this book, for a limited time you can buy a copy for $59, less than half the regular price of $149. Why the sale? An 11th edition is on the way, but you will have to wait more than a year for that one to come out. If I didn't have this one already, I would jump on it.

A wise professor of mine once told me that the savviest professionals aren't the ones who know it all; they're the ones who know where to find the answer. And believe it or not, not all the best information can be found online. Sometimes nothing beats having a good, old-fashioned book at your fingertips.

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