The AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas will be hosting a free workshop on invasive insects April 16. Training will be held in the Pavilion building from 1:00-3:00. The meeting is free and open to anyone interested in knowing about new pests threatening homes and landscapes. Trainers include myself and Extension entomologists Allen Knutson, Scott Ludwig, and Kim Schofield. The major pests being discussed will include the Caribbean (Rasberry) crazy ant, Formosan termites, chilli thrips, emerald ash borer, azalea felt scale, and other ornamental pests. We will also be discussing how you should respond should you think you come across one of these new pests.
Sign up is easy. Just call 972-231-5362 and say you would like to sign up for the Invasive Insects workshop. For a flier with directions to the center and more information,
click here.
While most of this workshop is not centered on structural pests, if you do any landscape pest control, or are interested in seeing specimens of the caribbean crazy ant or Formosan termite, you might find the two-hour program helpful.
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